
I can’t remember who wrote this first, but my friend and I have been using some version of this shell snippet for years:

ssh_find() {
    for agent in "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" /tmp/ssh-*/agent.* /tmp/*/Listeners* /tmp/keyring-*/ssh; do
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$agent" ssh-add -l 2>/dev/null
        case "$?" in # 0 some keys, 1 no keys, 2 no agent
            0) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$agent"; echo "Found Keys." ; break ;;
            1) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$agent"; echo "Found Agent.";  ;; # Keep looking

This function looks through /tmp for ssh-agent sockets (using various macOS, Linux, openssh naming schemes) and then finds the first one that (a) it has permissions for and (b) have keys unlocked in them (giving precedence to any currently active ones). If it can find some valid agents but none of them have keys then it will use the last one it found.

Later in .bashrc I have a section for interactive shells and I call it from there:

# Interactive only stuff:
if [[ "$-" =~ i ]]; then

    # ssh related stuff

    if [ x$SSH_AUTH_SOCK == x ]; then
        exec ssh-agent bash


That looks for an agent and starts one up if there were none running1 2.

How is this actually useful?

Basically it makes it so ever tab I open in my terminal (or in a tmux) latches on to an existing ssh-agent so that ssh just works from anywhere without ever thinking about it.

It’s also useful for cron jobs. I have some cron jobs that look like this:

@hourly . $HOME/.bashrc && ssh_find > /dev/null && rsync -a something:/something/blah /blah/blah

I also have similar ones that do some git operation that needs an ssh key.

It is generally convenient for things that need ssh keys to run, but where you don’t necessarily want the keys sitting around on the disk in unencrypted form. This lets them sit unencrypted in RAM, which is a little better (but at the expense of needing to ssh-add them manually every reboot).

  1. This is kinda gross, since exec throws out the entire bash progress and starts things over but with a new running ssh-agent (more or less doubling the startup time). This only happens on interactive logins so it’s not as bad as you might expect. I do it this way instead of eval $(ssh-agent) so that if the agent was started by ssh-ing into the machine then it gets killed when the ssh process dies (ie, on logout).
  2. This is also racy—picture the case where a gui terminal program starts up and remembers that you had 7 tabs open, so it opens those 7 tabs and starts shells in them in parallel. On my Debian box I have a super complicated and impossible to read fix for this that involves the flock(2) command. I hate it and am embarrassed by the whole thing so fixing the race is left as an exercise to the reader. 🙂

Automator Is Pretty Sweet

I played around with Apple’s Automator app when it was first released, but I could never really find a good use for it (I wrote some actions but I would never reliably use them for whatever reason). But I did eventual write one that I use constantly.

It’s a “Quick Action”, which means it shows up in Finder when you right click:

It extremely simple on the Automator side:

Note: My real script replaces <my-server> with the actual server name.

The key things are to set “Workflow receives current” to “files or folders”, “in” to “” and in the “Run Shell Script” section, “Pass input” to “as arguments”. I set the Image to “Send” because it seemed reasonable.

The script it self is trivial:

. ~/.bashrc
for f in "$@"
    echo "$f"
    rsync -a "$f" <my-server>:/tmp

The trickiest part here is getting SSH working without asking for your password (since this script effectively runs headless). I set up my ~/.bashrc to search through ssh-agent socket files to find one that it has permission to read and that has keys. It then sets up environment variables so that ssh uses that agent, giving me password-less ssh nearly 100% of the time.

I actually have several variants of this Automator action that rsync to different places (some of which are watched by inotify and kick other things off when files appear there). It’s really handy for them to just show up in the Finder right-click menu like that, and I find myself constantly using them to move stuff I’ve downloaded through my local web browser over to my server. I find it way more reliable than trying to keep the remote server mounted through smb or nfs.

Last Modified on: Dec 31, 2014 18:59pm