Beepwear Manager |
Beepwear Manager for Macintosh OS 9:
I never ended up finishing porting this to Mac OS X. The problem was
that when I tried it I was having a bunch of trouble with the graphics
APIs from OS 9--they just didn't work in the original Mac OS X. Since
then they have probably improved, but a new problem emerged: LCDs
became ubiquitous and the watch doesn't work with LCD screens (due to
the way they refresh). At some point my Beepwear watch bit the dust
and I don't even think Timex sells them any more. Anyway, it's here
(with source) if you want it.
Beepwear Manager allows you to download information to
your Beepwear PRO watch. This is for Mac users who are sick of having
to go get a Windows machine to use the Timex software.
Technical people: If you are curious you can
check out what I know about the
Beepwear download protocol.
The current version is 1.1. It is released under the GNU General Public License.
Download it from: